Fund the Frontlines!
Pay the Rent by Funding the Frontlines! All our work has come out of pocket of a small group of mostly marginalised people… it is not appropriate or sustainable to be a distant spectator, allow a small group of people to shoulder all the resources and labour of actions towards collective liberation, when you can easily be a part of the fight!
Make a contribution today! Set up a recurring payment if you can afford it - even if it is just $5! Dedicate and commit the cost of a coffee to actions out of Treaty Before Sports and Brisbane Sovereign Embassy group. Email us at after making a donation to register yourself to be a part of our Pay the Rent program! We will email you invites to our fundraisers, information about new projects that require funding support, etc.! Most recently, we are seeking funding support for our work towards Kanaky solidarity actions including communications, travel, and fundraising to organise shipments of direct aid.
Funding frontline actions directly helps overtaxed frontliners be more sustainable in our work. You can make a difference as easily as becoming a part of our Pay the Rent program!